Standard Products

From square centimetres to square metres.

Extensive optical components made of transparent plastics, glass and silicones perform highly accurate functions thanks to many hundreds of thousands of microprisms on their surface. Light can be concentrated, guided, shaped for a wide range of applications in a wealth of fields: glare-free light panels in office surroundings and a people-friendly lighting environment in public buildings, hospitals or schools. The scope of light production encompasses areas of innovation combining both functional and aesthetic elements.

The real key to the microstructured plates, discs and films supplied by Jungbecker Optics is not only the wide range of sizes and thicknesses available but their number of variants. Surfaces can be structured at will, circular, linear or as adjacent modules. This process primarily uses plastics made from PMMA (acrylic), but also PC, PVC and other varieties.

Product Overview


Asymmetrical De-glaring Prism


The ADP is a special application of the Linear De-glaring Prism (LDP). These prisms are asymmetrical with a one-sided perpendicular flank. Parallel light is deflected asymmetrically and therefore
enables directed illumination of objects and surfaces.

You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet ADP (PDF)


Conical De-glaring Prism


The CDP is a unique product that provides an outstanding deglaring performance. Prisms are designed as cones providing exclusive geometric features optimized with our very own numerical algorithms. High efficiency, smooth de-glaring characteristics and an opal appearance are the key features of our CDP.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet CDP (PDF)


Conical De-glaring Prism 15°


The CDP15 combines the excellent de-glaring performance of the cone structure with an asymmetric deflection of the passing light rays. A tilt of the cones by 15 degrees supports asymmetric illumination of floor standing and pending luminaires or provides additional wallwashing effects.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheett CDP15 (PDF) 


Conical De-glaring Prism


CDPS is an enhanced conical prism structure that offers even more effective de-glaring in the plane of the sheet when compared to the standard CDP structure. The CDPS is used specifically in combination with a plane transparent sheet underneath the structured side, thus offering an even stronger de-glaring as well as a smooth outside surface and therefore less sensitivity towards dirt and staining with easy cleaning. This is especially beneficial for medical or other hygienic applications.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet CDPS (PDF)


Delta De-Glaring Prism


The DDP prism structure offers an outstanding de-glaring performance with a reduced material thickness of 2 mm only. Concave surface structures and continuous cell connectors provide almost the same mechanical stability as the proven structures in 3 mm thickness. The reduced height and less weight enables even slimmer lighting solutions.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet DDP (PDF) 


Linear De-glaring Prism


The LDP is another variation of our linear structures. This product offers smooth and highly efficient de-glaring capabilities along the main axis of the sheet. Numerically optimised pyramidal structures with sharp edge radii are ideal for high-precision light guiding applications and are being used frequently in thin luminaire fixtures.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet LDP (PDF)


Light Guiding Prismatic Plate


The LGP decouples light which is fed into the sheet from the sides across the surface area by the integrated prismatic optics. The optical structure is not acting as a diffusor but uses reflection and
refraction of the microprisms. The direct portion of the light is usually also de-glared.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet LGP (PDF) 


Linear Prism 90°


The special geometry of perpendicular prisms in this product solves efficiently: beam splitting, ray deflection, total reflection of perpendicular incident light and much more.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet LP90 (PDF)


Linear Sine Prism


The LSP consists of linear prisms which are modified sinusoidally in their cross section so as to function as an optical diffusor perpendicular to the main axis of the sheet. The main ray path is maintained in order to ensure high efficiency in comparison with standard opal materials.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet LSP (PDF)


Circular De-glaring Prism


The Circular De-glaring Prism (RDP) is a special application of the circular fresnel lens. Specifically optimized for smooth de-glaring, the linear prisms of our LDP are arranged circularly.


You can obtain further information here:
Download Data Sheet RDP (PDF)